The Application for Change of Name of Adult is filed by residents of Trumbull County, Ohio who have been a resident for at least sixty days who desire a name change.
The filing fee is $112.00. However, there may be additional costs depending on the circumstances.
An adult filing for a change of name must file the Application for Change of Name of Adult, an Affidavit in Support of Application for Change of Name of Adult (must be notarized), and the Applicant’s certified birth certificate.
The adult seeking a name change must obtain a WEBCHECK from the Trumbull County Sheriff’s Office and make arrangements to have the results sent to the Court. In most instances, the BCI search is all that will be needed, but in some circumstances the Court may order the FBI search.
In the event that an Application for Change of Name of Adult is approved, you will receive a Judgment Entry approving the change of name. Additional copies can be purchased for $1.10 each. An Applicant will need to take the entry to all places who would need to know the adult’s official name (BMV, insurance company, employer, Social Security, etc.).
The Application for Change of Name of Minor must be filed by a parent, guardian, guardian ad litem or legal custodian of a minor child. The minor child must be a resident of Trumbull County, Ohio for at least sixty days.
The filing fee is $112.00. However, there may be additional costs depending upon the circumstances. Those additional costs can include, but are not limited to, costs for a guardian ad litem, costs for publication, or costs for certified mail.
An applicant filing for a minor’s change of name must file the Application for Change of Name of Minor, an Affidavit in Support of Application for Change of Name of Minor (must be notarized), and the minor’s certified birth certificate (certified no more than 30 days prior to the filing of the Application for Change of Name of Minor). If the parents of the minor consent to the change of name, their consents must be filed with the Court.
If the identity of one of the child’s parents is unknown, the Applicant must file an Affidavit of Unknown Parent which is available on the Court’s website.
In the event that an Application for Change of Name of Minor is approved, the applicant will receive a Judgment Entry approving the change of name. Additional copies can be purchased for ke the Judgment Entry to all places that need to know
the minor’s legal name (school, insurance company, child support, doctor, etc.).
The Probate Court accepts payment by cash, check, or money order. The Court does not accept payment by debit or credit cards.